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Creating a Sale

Whitelist Creation

Ignition deals allow the deal Maker to reserve the deal for whitelisted addresses only. A whitelist must be uploaded in .CSV format. Whitelists are optional, and deals without whitelists will be available to anyone with a Kujira address. Download a CSV template here.

Create your whitelist and have it ready before you start the deal creation process.

  1. Software - Create the whitelist in MS Excel, Apple Numbers or Google Sheets.
  2. Columns - Use the first three columns. They must be named wallet, min and max, in that order, all names written in lowercase. Any deviation, or additional characters will cause an error when uploading.
  3. Inputs - For the addresses, use the full Kujira address, no spaces before, between or after the address characters. For min and max values, use a point for amounts that are not a whole number (eg 123.456) Do not use a comma. Do not add additional characters, and no spaces between, or on either side of, the characters.
  4. Min and Max values - These are expressed as symbols, not base values. If the min order is 1.25 USK, the number in the cell should be 1.25 rather than the base value of 1,250,000. The min and max values assigned to addresses in the whitelist .csv have priority and override the values in the sale details.
  5. No empty rows - The contract treats the first empty row as the end of the list, and ignores anything after it.
  6. Exporting the .CSV - Use a short name. YourtokenWL.csv will work just fine.

Uploading Whitelist

Uploading your whitelist is done in several steps. The whitelist must adhere to the guides written above or it will fail. Once a deal has been created, the whitelist is added from the Deal Detail Page, by clicking on the Manage Whitelist button.

The whitelist management process must be completed before the start of the sale. When the sale starts, the WL cannot be amended.

Choose File - select the correct CSV file from your desktop.

Once the CSV file is uploaded, Ignition will batch the whitelist into addresses of 500.

Each batch has a unique ID and will show the number of addresses in the batch and its upload status. Clicking Sign will add a batch to the sale. Each batch must be signed separately.

Current Whitelist - shows all the addresses successfully added to the Whitelist. This list will extend after each batch is uploaded.

Reload - The Reload button refreshes the list of addresses that have been added to the whitelist after a batch has been signed.

Editing Whitelist

A whitelist can be updated while a sale is in the scheduled state. Once a sale is active, a whitelist cannot be changed.

Editing Addresses

To edit a whitelist, upload a new CSV file with the amended information and add it. This will replace the previous CSV file attached to the sale and create new batches. Each batch will need to be signed. Once all batches are signed and show uploaded status as YES, the new whitelist has overwritten the preceding one, meaning new addresses will be added and edits to min and max caps for existing addresses will be updated with the new info supplied. The min and max values for any address already uploaded will be updated as per the new CSV. Any additional addresses added to the whitelist will be included with their min and max amounts.

Deleting Addresses

To remove an address that has already been uploaded, a .CSV containing the addresses to be deleted must be uploaded using the delete button. Once uploaded and signed, confirm the addresses are removed from the list. Follow this process:

  1. Create Delete List - Use the Whitelist template to make a list of the addresses uploaded that need to be removed.
  2. Download as .CSV
  3. Open the Manage whitelist section of the Deal Detail page.
  4. Click Clear
  5. Choose the .CSV listing the addresses to be removed.
  6. Click the switch to Delete Mode

Deal Creation

  1. Wallet - Connect with the address holding the $TOKEN offered in the deal, using the Keplr Wallet Chrome extension. This address will receive the purchase denom from the deal.
  2. Tokens - The address must hold the tokens being placed in the deal.
  3. Gas - Make sure you have enough to create the deal.

Create Deal

There are a number of fields to populate

A. General Sale Info

  1. Title - Your Protocol Sale Name eg FUZN By Fuzion
  2. Description - A short description of your project. 500 Characters or less.
  3. Website URL - A domain, Twitter or Medium profile about your project.
  4. Token Denom - The TOKN must be listed on Kujira before creating the deal.
  5. Quantity For Sale - The amount of TOKN in the deal.
  6. Purchasing Denom - The TOKN Takers will deposit.
  7. Raise Target - The total amount raised in the sale, expressed in the Purchase denom. The cost per token is calculated automatically using this.
  8. Start Date and Time** - When the deal will go live. This will display as your local time.
  9. Duration - Choose the length of time before the sale expires.
  10. Minimum Order - The smallest order allowed to participate expressed using the purchase denom.
  11. Maximum Order - The largest order allowed expressed using the purchase denom.
  12. Whiteliste Enabled - Choose Yes to include a whitelist, No for a Public Sale.

(*)All numbers are symbol level, not base level. IE “100” is 100 USK

(**)The time and date reflect your local time where the deal is being created. The Sale time will convert to UTC automatically when the sale details are published.

B. Set up a Flow Schedule

Flows govern the distribution of tokens to deal Takers. A flow is made up of one or more schedules, each controlling a % of the tokens in the deal.

If a participant does not wish to use a schedule for the sale, tick the box beside the statement “Check box for all tokens to be available to claim immediately after the sale ends”.

At the close of the sale, all tokens will be immediately claimable.

A flow cannot start until the sale has expired. This is to prevent buyers from selling the tokens they have purchased before the sale ends. If the Start date chosen precedes the end of the sale, the Flow start date will be automatically adjusted to align with the expiry of the sale window.

The Maker must provide the following information:
What % of tokens are allocated to this Schedule? The percentage of the total number of tokens in the sale distributed by this flow.

When multiple schedules are used, the % in the schedules must add up to 100% or the sale cannot be created.

When do you want this schedule to start? The start date for the schedule, when tokens will begin to flow to participants.

How many days after this schedule starts must users wait until their first claim is available? How long after the start date the participant must wait to make their first claim. Also referred to as a cliff.

How many days will this flow last? The length of time the schedule will take to linearly distribute all the tokens allocated to it. Also referred to as the vesting period.

Submitting And Confirming The Deal

Once the deal data is populated, click submit. Verify that all the details are correct.

  1. Go Back - If details need to be amended, click go back to edit them, then submit again once you are ready.
  2. Proceed - When you are ready to publish the sale, click this button and approve the Tx. The deal will not reflect until the Tx completes successfully.

Once your deal has been successfully created, it will appear on the All Deals Tab. If your sale uses a Whitelist, you will find the Manage Whitelist button on the Deal Detail Page. A whitelist can be updated before the start of the sale but the rest of the details are final. A deal cannot be edited once it has been created.