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A broad overview of the projects and products we are currently working on. This will be updated periodically to reflect new work and progress on existing tasks. This list is intended for general awareness, projects appear in no particular order of importance or development, and progress and priorities are likely to change without notice due to extenuating or new circumstances.


Dust Buster - Multi-token balance swaps, Claiming yields from yFUZN, KUJI, MNTA and Bow staking, Converting rewards to other denoms and Automating claim and convert.

Staking and Governance - Stake FUZN to mint yFUZN, stake yFUZN to claim share of fees, participate in governance proposals.

Bonds - Allows any protocol to raise capital from their community using treasury tokens, LST or LP tokens without impacting immediate circulating supply or affecting market price.

Flows - Allows for any address to create a custom vesting schedule and send any denom to another address.

Options - Create OTC options trading across a number of tokens.

Ignition - Allows a deal maker to offer a token to a whitelist of recipient addresses at a specified price.Recipients are subject to a max claim amount, within a specified time frame. Distribution follows a predetermined vesting schedule and cliff, if the Maker so desires.

Leap Wallet - Integrating Leap wallet’s Chrome extension to allow users to connect to all our dApps


Airdrops - Under Development. Allows a deal maker to create an airdrop to a predetermined whitelist of recipients. The maker determines the total quantity of tokens available, the max amount claimable per address, and the timeframe during which the airdrop is available.

Multiple Wallet Integration - Under Development. Allows users to connect to Fuzion dApps with an array of wallets, using both mobile and desktop hardware.

Plasma Redesign - Under Development. Introduces a number of new features and UI adaptations that makes it easier to browse deals, compare deal values and assess the demand of different tokens.