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This lists all pending rewards by token. It shows the rewards from multiple sources, including staked MNTA, staked KUJI, staked FUZN and incentives earned in BOW. Additional sources will be added as they become available.

The token, the quantity available, and the estimated USK value is shown. When using Claim & Swap, the Target quantity of the desired token is shown below the USK value.

Rewards can be used in one of three ways:

A. Claim. This will claim all tokens available from all sources.

B. Claim & Swap. This will claim all tokens and swap any eligible for a token of your choosing.

C. Claim All & Swap Some. This will claim all rewards, and swap the eligible tokens you have selected to a token of your choice. All others will be claimed as is.

A. Claiming Rewards

  1. Click the claim button.
  2. Confirm the details are acceptable.
  3. Approve the Tx.

B. Claim and Swap

  1. Choose the token you wish to swap to using the drop down list.
  2. Select a route through FIN or Mantaswap.
  3. Set your preferred maximum slippage. The default is 1%.
  4. Check the box at the top of the list in the Menu header. This will swap all eligible rewards to the token of your choice. If a check box is disabled, that token cannot be swapped for the denom you wish to receive, and it will be claimed as is.
  5. Click the Claim & Swap button.
  6. Confirm the details are acceptable*.
  7. Approve the Tx.

*Be aware that when claiming and swapping, there may be a discrepancy between the USK value of all the claimed tokens combined, and the value of the token being swapped to. This happens when there is already some of that token present in your rewards. Its value has counted towards the total rewards basket, and as there’s no need to swap a token for itself, its value is not included in the estimated return of the swap.

C. Claim All, Swap Some

  1. Choose the token you wish to swap to using the drop down list.
  2. Select a route through FIN or Mantaswap.
  3. Set your preferred maximum slippage. The default is 1%.
  4. Check the box next to the rewards you want to swap. If a check box is disabled, that token cannot be swapped for the denom you wish to receive, and it will be claimed as is.
  5. Click the Claim & Swap button.
  6. Confirm the details are acceptable.
  7. Approve the Tx.