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Participating in a Sale

Deals shown in the All Deals page as Active are available to be bought. Any address may participate if the deal is public. If the deal uses a whitelist, the connected address must be on the list.

Buying Tokens

The section of the Deal Details page headed Your Buys manages the purchase of tokens along with the user’s purchase history.

This is where participants purchase tokens in the sale. They can manually enter the amount of the purchase denom they wish to spend, or use the pre-configured buttons below the field.

If the sale uses a whitelist, the site will check the connected address and inform the user if it is on the whitelist or not.

Max Available - This displays the maximum the participant can purchase, taking into account the Maximum Order limit, previous purchases, and the balance of the purchase denom in the address.

Price - The amount paid per token, calculated in the purchase denom.

Return - The number of tokens the participant will buy, based on the purchase denom used.

Min Buy - The minimum amount a participant must purchase, stipulated by the sale maker. Once the minimum buy is purchased, additional purchases may be for amounts smaller than the min buy, if desired.

Max Buy - The maximum a participant may purchase, stipulated by the maker.

Once the minimum purchase has been made, participants may buy in any amount they choose. Multiple purchases can be made, until the maximum is reached.

Purchase History

This lists each purchase you have made in the sale.

Deal Details

The following info is displayed on the deal detail page:

Tokens for sale - The name of the token for sale, and the quantity in the sale.

Raise Target - The total amount raised, calculated in the purchase denom, if the sale sells out.

Token Price - The cost per token, displayed in terms of the purchase denom.

Progress Bar - This displays the total raised using the purchase denom, and the % of the tokens in the sale sold. When it reaches 100%, the sale is sold out.

Start Date - The day the sale starts

Start Time - The time the sale becomes active, in UTC

Duration - The duration of the sale from start to expiry.

Flow Information

This displays the schedule the creator has set for the distribution of the tokens in the sale. If the creator chose not to use a schedule, this will display all values as zero, and the tokens purchased in the sale will be available to claim when the sale ends.

A deal can split token distribution amongst multiple schedules, displaying the following information:

Schedule Start Date and Time - The date and time in UTC the schedule becomes active.

First Claim Delay - How long after the schedule is active before a participant can make their first claim (sometimes referred to as a cliff)

Schedule Length - The duration of the flow, or how long the schedule will take to distribute all the tokens in it (sometimes referred to as a vesting period)

% of TOKN in this schedule - The portion of the tokens in the sale this schedule applies to.

My Deals

View all the deals a connected address has participated in.
This is a synopsis. Deals displayed can be filtered by status, and/or denom.
Participants can return to viewing all their deals by clicking Clear Filter.

Title - The title of the sale

Tokens - The quantity of tokens purchased by the address

Status - The current status of the sale.

% Complete - The progress of the sale’s schedules combined

End Date - The date all of the flows conclude.

Total Deposited - The amount of the purchase denom spent in the sale.

View - Takes the participant to the Deal Details page.

My Flows

Every time a participant buys tokens in a deal, the flow of tokens from the sale to the participant is recorded here. The view can be filtered by status and/or denom, and the full list retrieved by clicking Clear Filter.

Each flow provides the following information:

Token - The denom of the token distributed by the flow.

Status - The status of the sale the flow comes from.

First Claim Date - The date on which the flow will be eligible to claim.

Flow Progress - The percentage of the tokens in the flow which are claimable.

Allocation - The total number of tokens in the flow.

Claimed - The number of the tokens in the flow the participant has claimed to date.

Claimable - The number of tokens in the flow currently available for the participant to claim.

Claim - Click this to move the claimable tokens from the contract to the address.

If a schedule is made up of multiple flows, claiming tokens from one flow will claim all of the flows also in the schedule linked to that purchase. If a participant made multiple purchases in a sale, each purchase in the sale is claimed individually.